Bleed Until the End

I’ve learned to bleed, in thirty-three words.

I’ve opened veins to pour out love.

I’ve hemorrhaged happiness and staunched with sorrow.

I’ve transfused word pints to feed my muse.

I’ve learned to fly.


Trifecta is ending it’s run encouraging writers to write and stretch out of the need for over verbosity. This is my farewell submission to one of my favorite writing prompts. I am sad to lose this outlet of creativity.

This final week they are cutting us lose with these instructions:

“There’s no topic, no word, just a free write. Go anywhere your mind wants to travel.  Take us there too.  Just make it count, leave your blood all over this page.  Thirty-three words exactly.  Of course.  We couldn’t end it any other way. “

I took my cue from the fourth sentence.

Thanks to the editors for giving me the tools to hone and sharpen my skill. You will be greatly missed.

Trifextra: Week 105 The End

Trifextra: Week 105
The End





The sweet rot of death hung heavy like cheap perfume. A barren clue in a place of repose; toothy, hollow eyed, pleading for answers; who, what, where, when but mostly, why. Why me?

Working with 33 words at Trifecta again. I really enjoy this challenge and challenging it is! My take on the photo in exactly 33 words.

For this weekend’s Trifextra Challenge, we are asking for a 33-word response to the picture. Make what you will of it; there are no rules. Poetry, prose, comedy, drama–just give us 33 words, on the button. Have fun with it.

Trifecta 33 Word Challenge